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Plant (Llyfrau Cyfair)


  • Original price £8.99 - Original price £8.99
    Original price
    £8.99 - £8.99
    Current price £8.99

    Peep Inside the Castle

    Anna Milbourne
    In stock

    Original price £8.99 - Original price £8.99
    Original price
    £8.99 - £8.99
    Current price £8.99
  • Original price £6.00 - Original price £6.00
    Original price
    £6.00 - £6.00
    Current price £6.00

    Pitkin Guides: Roman Britain

    John Watney
    In stock

    Canllaw defnyddiol mewn lliw llawn yn olrhain bywyd ym Mhrydain rhwng 54CC a 400OC, sef cyn goresgyniad y Rhufeiniaid ac wedi hynny, yn cynnwys gwy...

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    £6.00 - £6.00
    Current price £6.00
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Point and Find: First Welsh Words

    Vicky Barber
    In stock

    Dros 100 o eiriau cyfarwydd i chi eu dysgu yn Gymraeg! O'r sw i'r fferm i bethau sy'n symud, mae pob golygfa yn llawn manylion i'w darganfod ac i'w...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Pont Library: Seaside Treat, A

    Chris S. Stephens
    In stock

    Llyfr lliw-llawn yn cynnwys detholiad diddorol o bytiau llawn gwybodaeth a chwedlau, barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith yn adlewyrchu agweddau amrywiol ar f...

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    Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
    Original price
    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99

    Popeth am Amrywiaeth / All About Diversity

    Felicity Brooks
    In stock

    Addasiad dwyieithog gan Bethan Mai Jones o’r llyfr All About Diversity gan Felicity Brooks. Dyma lyfr sy'n helpu plant i ddeall ac ymfalchio (nid b...

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    Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99
  • Original price £9.95 - Original price £9.95
    Original price
    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95

    Portha fy ?yn - Cwrs Cyflawn i Ddysgu'r Ysgrythur i Blant!

    Derek Brookes, Michelle Brookes
    In stock

    Cyfres o 7 llyfr lliwgar i helpu plant 4-7 oed i ddysgu adnodau ar eu cof. Yn cynnwys llawlyfr i rieni ac athrawon ar sut i ddefnyddio'r deunydd, r...

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    Original price £9.95 - Original price £9.95
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    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95
  • Original price £2.99 - Original price £2.99
    Original price
    £2.99 - £2.99
    Current price £2.99

    Pos i Ti

    Bruzzone, Croxon, Millar
    In stock

    Llyfr lliwgar yn cynnwys 14 o bosau geiriau am y fferm, yr ysgol, lliwiau, dillad, a llawer mwy. Dyma gyfle perffaith i ymarfer dy eiriau Cymraeg c...

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    Original price £2.99 - Original price £2.99
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    £2.99 - £2.99
    Current price £2.99
  • Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
    Original price
    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99

    Posau Bach / Mini Puzzles

    Gareth Ffowc Roberts, Helen Elis Jones
    In stock

    Casgliad gwerthfawr o weithgareddau a phosau Mathemateg ar gyfer plant 6-11 oed yn bennaf. Llyfr dwyieithog y gellir ei lungopïo a'i ddefnyddio yn ...

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    Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
    Original price
    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99
  • Original price £0.99 - Original price £0.99
    Original price
    £0.99 - £0.99
    Current price £0.99

    Posau Beiblaidd Chwilio a Chael: Hoff Storïau'r Beibl - Llyfr 1

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Addasiad Cymraeg o lyfrau posau Beiblaidd yn y gyfres Three's Company, yn llawn posau amrywiol, cwestiynau ac atebion, lluniau i'w lliwio ac awgrym...

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    Original price £0.99 - Original price £0.99
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    £0.99 - £0.99
    Current price £0.99
  • Original price £0.99 - Original price £0.99
    Original price
    £0.99 - £0.99
    Current price £0.99

    Posau Beiblaidd Chwilio a Chael: Hoff Storïau'r Beibl - Llyfr 2

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Addasiad Cymraeg o lyfr posau Beiblaidd yn y gyfres Three's Company, yn llawn posau amrywiol, cwestiynau ac atebion, lluniau i'w lliwio ac awgrymia...

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    Original price £0.99 - Original price £0.99
    Original price
    £0.99 - £0.99
    Current price £0.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
    Original price
    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Posau Fferm i'r Plant Bach / Little Children's Farm Puzzles

    Kirsteen Robson
    In stock

    Mae'r llyfr hwn yn llawn o bosau geiriau, rhifau a lluniau syml i'r plant iau eu mwynhau. Mae yma gyfle hefyd i ddysgu a meithrin sgiliau allweddol...

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    Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
    Original price
    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
    Original price
    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Posau Gwallgo!

    Gwyn Morgan
    In stock

    Llyfr yn llawn o bosau gwallgo a gwirion yng nghwmni'r cymeriadau sydd bellach wedi tyfu'n gyfarwydd ymhlith llyfrau Gwyn Morgan a Dai Owen - Ben y...

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    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £4.50 - Original price £4.50
    Original price
    £4.50 - £4.50
    Current price £4.50

    Posau Hwyl

    Siân Lewis
    In stock

    Posau geiriol, gweledol a mathemategol i ddifyrru plant 9-11 oed yn bennaf. Hanner cant o bosau yn cynnwys atebion yng nghefn y llyfr.

    Original price £4.50 - Original price £4.50
    Original price
    £4.50 - £4.50
    Current price £4.50
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
    Original price
    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Princess Snap (Usborne Snap Cards)

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Bocs o gardiau Snap mawr, lliwgar a chadarn yn darlunio tywysogesau. Anrheg delfrydol ar gyfer plant ifanc a fydd yn hybu eu sgiliau darllen, cymha...

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    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
    Original price
    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £3.00 - Original price £3.00
    Original price
    £3.00 - £3.00
    Current price £3.00

    Pulpud y Plant

    Adrian P. Williams
    In stock

    Casgliad o 16 o anerchiadau a storïau Cristnogol wedi eu cyflwyno mewn modd diddorol a bywiog i'w defnyddio gyda phlant mewn gwasanaethau.

    Original price £3.00 - Original price £3.00
    Original price
    £3.00 - £3.00
    Current price £3.00
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
    Original price
    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Pwy yw Iesu?

    Gwyn Rhydderch
    In stock

    Cyfres o 16 gwers/sesiwn ar gyfer plant cynradd, yn edrych ar y gwahanol enwau a ddefnyddir yn y Testament Newydd i ddisgrifio'r Iesu. Mae pob gwer...

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    Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
    Original price
    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £1.99 - Original price £1.99
    Original price
    £1.99 - £1.99
    Current price £1.99

    Rhyfeddol Ond Gwir

    Jo Glen
    In stock

    Llyfr gweithgareddau diddorol yn cynnwys syniadau amrywiol ar gyfer gwaith arlunio ac ysgrifennu er mwyn hybu plant ifanc i sgwrsio am fyd rhyfeddo...

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    Original price £1.99 - Original price £1.99
    Original price
    £1.99 - £1.99
    Current price £1.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
    Original price
    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Rhyfeddol! Sut i Dynnu Llun

    Nicola Davies
    In stock

    Dewch i ddarganfod rhyfeddodau byd natur yng nghwmni'r swolegydd, bardd ac awdures Nicola Davies. Cewch ddysgu sut i ddarlunio anifeiliaid o bob ll...

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    Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
    Original price
    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
    Original price
    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99

    Rockets, Radar and the Big Bang - Unlocking Secrets of Maths, Sci

    Greg Lewis
    In stock

    Mae ein syched am wybodaeth wedi ein cynorthwyo i gerdded ar y lleuad ac i archwilio dechreuadau'r bydysawd. Bydd y pum stori ryfeddol hon am wyddo...

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    Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
    Original price
    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Rulers of Wales in English / Ac yn Gymraeg Arweinwyr Cymru (The

    Peter Van Renswoude Davies
    In stock

    Dewch i adnabod dros 90 o arweinwyr hanes Cymru. Bu'r bobl yma yn brwydro'n ddewr dros eu gwlad a'u hiaith. Cyfrol ddarluniadol, maint poced, gyda ...

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    Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99

    Rwy'n Gallu Ysgrifennu Gartref

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Dysgwch ysgrifennu llawer o eiriau syml defnyddiol, mewn tri cham hawdd. Trwy sychu pob tudalen yn lân, gall plant ymarfer dro ar ôl tro, nes bodloni!

    Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99
  • Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99

    Rwy'n Gallu Ysgrifennu yn y Dref

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Dysgwch ysgrifennu llawer o eiriau syml defnyddiol, mewn tri cham hawdd. Trwy sychu pob tudalen yn lân, gall plant ymarfer dro ar ôl tro, nes bodloni!

    Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Rwyt Ti'n Arbennig

    Max Lucado
    In stock

    Addasiad Cymraeg o gyfrol sy'n atgoffa plant o gariad rhyfeddol Duw a bod pob plentyn yn arbennig yng ngolwg Duw. Neges syml a chlir am gariad a go...

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    Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £4.95 - Original price £4.95
    Original price
    £4.95 - £4.95
    Current price £4.95

    Rwyt Ti'n Arbennig Iawn

    Su Box
    In stock

    Addasiad Cymraeg o lyfr lliwgar a thyner i helpu plant ifanc i ddysgu gwerthfawrogi eu hunain ac eraill.

    Original price £4.95 - Original price £4.95
    Original price
    £4.95 - £4.95
    Current price £4.95