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Plant a Phobl Ifainc (Nofelau a Storïau)


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    Fy Hanes i: Gwas y Stabl - Dyddiadur Sion Dafydd, Plas Creuddyn,

    Mair Wynn Hughes
    In stock

    Dyddiadur cyffrous (1582-92) gwas stabl Plas Creuddyn, Llandudno a gynorthwyodd ei feistr Robert Puw rhwng 1586 a 1587 i gadw cyfrinach yr offeiria...

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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99
  • Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99

    Cyfres Tab a'r Cadabras: 2. Dirgelwch y Powdwr Cosi

    Siân Lewis
    In stock

    Stori arall mewn cyfres ddifyr am Tab a'i ffrindiau bywiog yn rhannu hwyl a helynt wrth geisio bod yn dditectifs. Lluniau du-a-gwyn.

    Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99
  • Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99

    Cyfres 'Slawer Dydd: Rhyfel y Degwm

    Mair Wynn Hughes
    In stock

    Stori hanesyddol wedi ei gosod yng Nghlwyd yn ystod yr 19eg ganrif, yn adrodd hanes caledi bywyd un teulu amaethyddol a'u dau fab sy'n colli eu ffe...

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    Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99
  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Siani'r Shetland

    Anwen Francis
    In stock

    Ailargraffiad o stori fywiog am hynt a helynt Siani'r ferlen Shetland direidus sy'n arwain ei pherchennog, Beca, i bob math o helbulon, ond sy'n da...

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    Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99

    Fy Hanes i: Streic - Dyddiadur Ifan Evans, Llwybrmain, Bethesda,

    Eigra Lewis Roberts
    In stock

    Dyddiadur cyffrous (1899-1903) bachgen ifanc yn cofnodi cyfnod cythryblus yn ei fywyd yn ystod Streic Fawr chwarel y Penrhyn, effeithiau newyn a th...

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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99
  • Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99

    Fy Hanes i: Mordaith ar y Titanic - Dyddiadur Margaret Anne Brady

    Ellen Emerson White
    In stock

    Ad-argraffiad o addasiad Cymraeg o Voyage on the Great Titanic, dyddiadur merch 14 mlwydd oed yn sôn amdani'n cael ei dewis yn gyfeilles i wraig fo...

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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99
  • Original price £1.50 - Original price £1.50
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    £1.50 - £1.50
    Current price £1.50

    Straeon Dot Com

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Casgliad difyr o bump stori fer amrywiol gan Helen Emanuel Davies, Gordon Jones, Elin Meek ac Andras Millward gyda byd cyfoes a chyffrous cyfrifiad...

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    Original price £1.50 - Original price £1.50
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    £1.50 - £1.50
    Current price £1.50
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pac o Straeon Rygbi 2

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Ail gyfrol o straeon newydd cyffrous am chwaraewyr rygbi ifanc yn llwyddo yn erbyn anawsterau, gyda phwyslais ym mhob stori ar feithrin ysbryd o ch...

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    Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
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    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £15.99 - Original price £15.99
    Original price
    £15.99 - £15.99
    Current price £15.99

    Pecyn Straeon Empathi

    RJ Pallacio, Onjali Rauf
    In stock

    Set o 3 llyfr o straeon sy'n annog ac yn galluogi dealltwriaeth plant o empathi. Pris bargen 15.99 yn unig!

    Original price £15.99 - Original price £15.99
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    £15.99 - £15.99
    Current price £15.99
  • Original price £24.99 - Original price £24.99
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    £24.99 - £24.99
    Current price £24.99

    Pecyn Cyfres yr Hudlath a'r Haearn

    Cressida Cowell
    In stock

    Set llawn o'r gyfres Yr Hudlath a'r Haearn am bris bargen. Cyfieithiadau crefftus i'r Gymraeg gan Ifan Morgan-Jones a Llinos Dafydd o destunau Cres...

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    Original price £24.99 - Original price £24.99
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    £24.99 - £24.99
    Current price £24.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Cyfres Twm Clwyd: 9. Sgiliau Hynod Wych

    Liz Pichon
    In stock

    Mae'r llyfr hwn yn LLAWN o stwff YCHWANEGOL i'ch cadw chi'n BRYSUR os nad yw eich gwyliau yn mynd fel roeddech chi wedi ei ddychmygu. (Fel y digwyd...

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    Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Dyddiadur Dripsyn: Trwbwl Dwbwl

    Jeff Kinney
    In stock

    Mae'r pwysau'n cynyddu ar Greg Heffley. Mae ei fam yn credu bod gemau cyfrifiadur yn troi ei frên yn sdwnsh. Felly mae hi am i'w mab roi'r gemau he...

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    Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Rhyfel y Sgidiau

    Liz Pichon
    In stock

    Croeso i Dresgidiau, lle cewch gwrdd â'r brawd a'r chwaer Bear a Ruby Foot. Maen nhw'n rhedeg allan o amser i achub eu tad, sy'n ddyfeisiwr, o graf...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Seren Uwch fy Mhen, Y

    Onjali Rauf
    In stock

    Yn dilyn diflaniad ei mam, mae'n rhaid i Aniyah, sy'n 10 oed, fyw mewn gofal maeth. Gyda'i bywyd mewn anhrefn, un peth yn unig mae hi'n wybod: nid ...

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  • Original price £8.99 - Original price £8.99
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    £8.99 - £8.99
    Current price £8.99

    Darllen yn Well: Byd Frankie

    Aoife Dooley
    In stock

    Nofel graffig onest a doniol gan yr awdur a'r darlunydd awtistig Aoife Dooley. 'Frankie ydw i. Dwi'n hoffi celf, pizza a cherddoriaeth roc. Fi ydy'...

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    £8.99 - £8.99
    Current price £8.99
  • Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99

    Pecyn Dosbarth Miss Prydderch 2

    Mererid Hopwood
    In stock

    Anturiaethau'r athrawes anghyffredin, Miss Prydderch, a'i dosbarth o ddisgyblion wrth iddynt deithio ar y carped hud i fyd arallfydol, cyffrous ac ...

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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99
  • Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99

    Bwgan Nana Crwca

    David Walliams
    In stock

    Dyma'r ail deitl yn y gyfres am anturiaethau Nana Crwca, sef addasiad o Gangsta Granny Stikes Again! gan yr awdur a'r ffigwr cyhoeddus, David Walli...

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    Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Bwystfil a'r Betsan, Y: Sioe Fawr y Bwystfil

    Jack Meggitt-Phillips
    In stock

    Addasiad Cymraeg gan Elidir Jones o The Beast and the Bethany: Revenge of the Beast gan Jack Meggitt-Phillips. Er bod Betsan a Heddwyn am ddechrau ...

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    Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
    Original price
    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Pecyn Cyfres Hufen Afiach

    Meilyr Siôn
    In stock

    Pecyn o ddau lyfr gan Meilyr Sion - Hufen Afiach a Hufen Afiach Dai.

    Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
    Original price
    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
    Original price
    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Cyfres Miss Prydderch 2: Dosbarth Miss Prydderch a Silff y Sarff

    Mererid Hopwood
    In stock

    Mae anturiaethau Miss Prydderch a'i dosbarth o ddisgyblion ar y carped hud yn parhau. Dyma'r ail nofel mewn cyfres o dair am Miss Prydderch, cymeri...

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    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Cyfres Miss Prydderch 3: Dosbarth Miss Prydderch a Lleidr y Lleisiau

    Mererid Hopwood
    In stock

    Y trydydd teitl mewn cyfres o dair nofel am athrawes anghyffredin, Miss Prydderch a'i dosbarth o blant anturus. Tybed a all Alfred ac Elen ddychwel...

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    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
    Original price
    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Cyfres Miss Prydderch 1: Dosbarth Miss Prydderch a'r Carped Hud

    Mererid Hopwood
    In stock

    Mentrwch gyda Miss Prydderch a'i dosbarth o ddisgyblion ar y carped hud i Goedwig y Tylluanod lle cewch weld rhyfeddodau, ond peidiwch, da chi, ag ...

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    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
    Original price
    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99

    Cyfres Strach: Yr Haf Gorau Erioed

    Gwenno Hughes
    In stock

    Nofel gyffrous wedi'i lleoli yn ardal Tregaron am anturiaethau criw o blant. Mae'r suon am drysor, cyffuriau a chyfrinachau o'r gorffennol yn peri ...

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    Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99
  • Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99

    Cyfres Strach: Dirgelwch Llys Undeg

    Helen Emanuel Davies
    In stock

    Gan fod Mam yn brysur yn gweithio ac yn teithio gyda'i chariad newydd, mae Tomos wrth ei fodd ei fod yn cael aros gyda Mam-gu a Taid yn eu cartref ...

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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99