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Ni fydd archebion yn cael eu postio tan 01/10/2024. Orders will not be posted until 01/10/2024.
Ni fydd archebion yn cael eu postio tan 01/10/2024. Orders will not be posted until 01/10/2024.

Plant a Phobl Ifainc (Nofelau a Storïau)


  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Tommy Parker - Destiny Will Find You!

    Anthony Ormond
    In stock

    Bachgen cyffredin deuddeg oed yw Tommy Parker, ond mae ei fywyd yn newid yn ddramatig pan etifedda ysgrifbin hud ei datcu, ysgrifbin sy'n ei alluog...

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    Current price £7.99

    Silent Mountain

    Michelle Briscombe
    In stock

    Nid yw Jack Jupiter yn arbennig o ddewr, ac er mwyn dianc rhag cael ei fwlio yn yr ysgol, mae'n ymgolli mewn llyfr am fywyd gwyllt a dderbyniodd ga...

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    Current price £7.99

    Beware of the Mirror Man

    Benjamin Burford-Jones
    In stock

    Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
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    £7.95 - £7.95
    Current price £7.95

    Tale of Twm Siôn Cati, The

    Margaret Isaac
    In stock

    Nofel yn olrhain hanes y lleidr pen ffordd enwog, Twm Siôn Cati, o adeg ei eni yn 1530 hyd at gyfnod ei wrthryfela, gydag 20 llun du-a-gwyn cyfared...

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    £7.95 - £7.95
    Current price £7.95
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Cardarna's Quest

    Jill Thomas
    In stock

    Mae bywyd Cardarna wedi'i droi wyneb i waered gan y dreigiau dychrynllyd sydd wedi difrodi ei gwlad hardd. Caiff ei theulu ei rwygo ac aiff Cardarn...

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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Strange Affair of the Ethiopian Treasure Chest, The

    Brian John
    In stock

    Hanes gang o fechgyn wyth oed, a osodwyd yn Hwlffordd ar ddiwedd yr Ail Ryfel Byd.

    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
    Original price
    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.95 - Original price £5.95
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    £5.95 - £5.95
    Current price £5.95

    Ebony and Ivory

    David Morgan Williams
    In stock

    Dilyniant i Dragonrise. Mae Huw, Ebony ac Ivory wedi cael eu herwgipio gan griw o derfysgwyr. Yn ffodus mae gan Huw ffrindiau sy'n barod i helpu, n...

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    £5.95 - £5.95
    Current price £5.95
  • Original price £5.95 - Original price £5.95
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    £5.95 - £5.95
    Current price £5.95


    David Morgan Williams
    In stock

    Nofel antur wedi ei lleoli ar ororau Cymru am fachgen ifanc yn cael ei ddenu at gladdfa hynafol lle y mae'n ail-fyw rhannau o chwedl Culhwch ac Olw...

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    £5.95 - £5.95
    Current price £5.95
  • Original price £1.25 - Original price £1.25
    Original price
    £1.25 - £1.25
    Current price £1.25

    Christmas Carol, A (Abridged)

    Charles Dickens
    In stock

    Argraffiad talfyrredig gyda geirfa wedi ei symleiddio o A Christmas Carol gan Charles Dickens, sy'n cynnal rhin a themâu gwreiddiol y stori hon a e...

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    Original price £1.25 - Original price £1.25
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    £1.25 - £1.25
    Current price £1.25
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99


    G. R. Gemin
    In stock

    Profodd Gemma fagwraeth anodd ar ystad yn ne Cymru, lle bu'n dyst cyson i ladrata ac ymosodiadau, tristwch a diflastod. Gyda thad yn y carchar a ma...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99


    Robert Swindells
    In stock

    Mae bywyd mewn pentref bach yn ddiflas nawr bod y rhyfel wedi dod i ben, mae dogni, difrod y bom ynghyd â'r colledion wedi gadael eu hôl. Ond daw g...

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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Witches, The

    Roald Dahl
    In stock

    Hen bethau atgas yw gwrachod. Maen nhw'n ymddwyn fel gwragedd hyfryd, ond y tu ôl i'w masgiau maen nhw'n dyheu am gael poenydio plant maen nhw'n eu...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
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    Current price £6.99

    Max Kowalski Didn't Mean It

    Susie Day
    In stock

    Y broblem gyda Chymru oedd ei bod mor bell. Ond dyna oedd y pwrpas - gadael Southend - a gorau po bellaf oddi yno, fel na fyddai neb yn meddwl chwi...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
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    Current price £5.99

    Charlie Changes into a Chicken

    Sam Copeland
    In stock

    GWERTHIANT PENDANT - DIM DYCHWELIADAU. Mae gan Charlie McGuffin gyfrinach ryfeddol ... gall droi yn bob math o anifail: chwannen, colomen, hyd yn o...

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    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Last Bear, The

    Hannah Gold
    In stock

    Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Taylor Turbochaser, The

    David Baddiel
    In stock

    Stori gyffrous sy'n symud ar gan milltir yr awr gan yr awdur poblogaidd David Baddiel. Mae'r arwres Amy Taylor yn dwli ar geir ac yn breuddwydio am...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £14.99 - Original price £14.99
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    £14.99 - £14.99
    Current price £14.99

    Gangsta Granny Strikes Again

    David Walliams
    In stock

    Dilyniant Walliams a Ross i un o'u straeon mwyaf poblogaidd erioed. Y tro hwn mae Ben yn clywed am gasgliad o drysorau a gafodd eu dwyn. Mae'r llad...

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    Original price £14.99 - Original price £14.99
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    £14.99 - £14.99
    Current price £14.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Picture That Made Time Fly, The

    Sheila Harries
    In stock

    Nofel wreiddiol wedi ei gosod yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd yn dilyn Megan a Rhys ar wibdaith ysgol sy'n troi yn antur beryglus a heriol, wrth...

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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Dragon Gold

    Shoo Rayner
    In stock

    Byddai Harri wrth ei fodd petae yn llwyddo i ennill rhywbeth, dim ond un waith. Ond Ryan a'i dad cystadleuol sydd wastad yn ennill popeth! Un diwrn...

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    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    Current price £5.99

    Flying Bedroom, The

    Heather Dyer
    In stock

    Casgliad o chwe antur ffantasi am ferch o'r enw Elinor sy'n hedfan yn ei hystafell wely i fydoedd hud a lledrith - i ynysoedd trofannol a hyd yn oe...

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    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £7.50 - Original price £7.50
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    £7.50 - £7.50
    Current price £7.50

    Nioclás Beag: Eachtraí Eile

    René Goscinny, Jean-Jacques Sempé
    In stock

    Yr ail yn y gyfres o un o glasuron cyfres o straeon byrion Ffrengig i blant wedi'i gyfieithu i'r Wyddeleg. Mae Nioclás Beag, y bachgen ysgol annwyl...

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    Original price £7.50 - Original price £7.50
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    £7.50 - £7.50
    Current price £7.50
  • Original price £7.50 - Original price £7.50
    Original price
    £7.50 - £7.50
    Current price £7.50

    Nioclás Beag : Eachtraí

    René Goscinny, Jean-Jacques Sempé
    In stock

    Yr addasiad cyntaf mewn Gwyddeleg o un o glasuron cyfres o straeon byrion Ffrengig i blant. Mae Nioclás Beag, y bachgen ysgol annwyl, doniol ac egn...

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    Original price £7.50 - Original price £7.50
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    £7.50 - £7.50
    Current price £7.50
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pont Readalone: Bump in the Night

    Ruth Morgan
    In stock

    Stori ddifyr am antur merch ifanc a'i hewythr gwallgof wedi iddynt baentio dau gar clatshio o'r ffair; i ddarllenwyr 7-9 oed sy'n cychwyn darllen a...

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    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £1.99 - Original price £1.99
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    £1.99 - £1.99
    Current price £1.99

    Pont Readalone: Hero, Toffer and Wallaby

    Malachy Doyle
    In stock

    Stori deimladwy am gyfeillgarwch cerfiwr coed o sipsi a thri phlentyn ifanc yn llwyddo i feithrin dealltwriaeth rhyngddo ef ac aelodau'r gymuned; i...

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    £1.99 - £1.99
    Current price £1.99