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Plant a Phobl Ifainc (Nofelau a Storïau)


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    Major and Mynah

    Karen Owen
    In stock

    Stori hwyliog i blant am Callie, sy'n codi ei chalon pan fo'n darganfod bod ei hoffer clyw diweddaraf yn ei galluogi i siarad â Bo yr aderyn Myna. ...

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    Current price £6.99

    Walker: The Mystery of the Missing Millions

    Shoo Rayner
    In stock

    Mae Walker sy'n ddeg oed yn cerdded c?n pobl eraill gan nad oes ganddo gi ei hun, a chan fod c?n yn siarad ag ef. Pan aiff y biliwnydd Arlington Wh...

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    Current price £5.99

    Monster Max and the Bobble Hat of Forgetting

    Robin Bennett
    In stock

    Dyma Max. Mae popeth yn normal yma. Does dim yn rhyfedd am Max ... hyd nes y bydd e'n torri gwynt. Dyma briodas wych rhwng antur cyffrous a chomedi...

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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Thimble Wonga Bonkers

    Jon Blake
    In stock

    Pan aiff Mam oddi cartref am wythnos, mae Jams, Dad a Thimble y mwnci yn gorfod byw ar 30 punt yn unig. Mae Dad yn llunio rhestr siopa, ond pan gai...

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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £9.00 - Original price £9.00
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    £9.00 - £9.00
    Current price £9.00

    Sikh Snowman, The

    Owen Gallagher
    In stock

    Original price £9.00 - Original price £9.00
    Original price
    £9.00 - £9.00
    Current price £9.00
  • Original price £20.00 - Original price £20.00
    Original price
    £20.00 - £20.00
    Current price £20.00

    Tell Me a Dragon

    Jackie Morris
    In stock

    Yn y llyfr swynol hwn sy'n cyfuno testun telynegol a lluniau hudolus, mae Jackie Morris yn consurio byd cyfoethog ac amrywiol y dreigiau. Adargraff...

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    £20.00 - £20.00
    Current price £20.00
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Haunted Staircase, The

    Devika Rosamund
    In stock

    Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Paradise Found

    John Milton
    In stock

    Un bore, mae Albie y ci defaid yn deffro i weld bod ei gydymaith Nellie wedi diflannu. Tybed i lle'r aeth hi? Fel arfer, mae'r ddau yn gorwedd o fl...

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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Celestine and the Hare: Bertram Likes to Sew

    Karin Celestine
    In stock

    Mae teulu o lygod d?r wedi dod i fyw ar waelod yr ardd, ac maen nhw'n frwd dros warchod yr amgylchedd. Nid yw Bertram yn hoffi nofio fel y llygod d...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £25.00 - Original price £25.00
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    £25.00 - £25.00
    Current price £25.00

    Ice Bear, The - Artist Edition

    Jackie Morris
    In stock

    Stori hudolus a thelynegol am oddefgarwch a dealltwriaeth rhwng dyn a chreadur. Mae'r argraffiad cyfyngedig, dieiriau, yn arddangos dawn Jackie Mor...

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    £25.00 - £25.00
    Current price £25.00
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Mouse and Mole: A Very Special Mouse and Mole

    Joyce Dunbar
    In stock

    Mae mwynhau gweithgareddau syml yng nghwmni ei gilydd yn helpu Llygoden a Twrch i sylweddoli bod rhywbeth arbennig ym mhob peth, gan gynnwys nhw eu...

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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £11.99 - Original price £11.99
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    £11.99 - £11.99
    Current price £11.99

    Pond, The

    Nicola Davies
    In stock

    Stori ddarluniadol, dyner am fachgen bach a'i deulu yn treulio amser wrth y pwll yn yr ardd er mwyn ceisio dod i delerau â cholli tad. Mae'r gyfrol...

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    £11.99 - £11.99
    Current price £11.99
  • Original price £17.99 - Original price £17.99
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    £17.99 - £17.99
    Current price £17.99

    Snow Leopard, The

    Jackie Morris
    In stock

    Pan sylweddola Llewpart yr Eira ei bod ar fin marw, aiff i chwilio am enaid pur i drosglwyddo ei gwybodaeth a'i grym iddo, a hynny er mwyn diogelu'...

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    Original price £17.99 - Original price £17.99
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    £17.99 - £17.99
    Current price £17.99
  • Original price £20.00 - Original price £20.00
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    £20.00 - £20.00
    Current price £20.00

    Ice Bear, The

    Jackie Morris
    In stock

    Stori delynegol am oddefgarwch a dealltwriaeth ac yn ein hatgoffa o'n dyletswydd i ofalu am greaduriaid gwyllt y byd. Darluniwyd yn gain gan yr awd...

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    Original price £20.00 - Original price £20.00
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    £20.00 - £20.00
    Current price £20.00
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
    Original price
    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Mouse and Mole Have a Party

    Joyce Dunbar
    In stock

    Mae Twrch wastad mewn trafferth, ond diolch byth bod Llygoden yn medru ei helpu i esmwytho pethau, hyd yn oed pan fo hynny'n annisgwyl!

    Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Mouse and Mole: Happy Days for Mouse and Mole

    Joyce Dunbar
    In stock

    Pan fo Llygoden yn creu hamog, mae Twrch yn hapus iawn i'w brofi, ac mae Llygoden yr un mor eiddgar i helpu Twrch i ganfod ei sbectol goll. Ond tyb...

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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £14.99 - Original price £14.99
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    £14.99 - £14.99
    Current price £14.99

    Seal Children, The

    Jackie Morris
    In stock

    Stori delynegol, atgofus am gariad rhwng pysgotwr a 'selkie' - hanner dynes, hanner morlo, gyda lluniau dyfrlliw hardd a swynol yn ategu'r testun.

    Original price £14.99 - Original price £14.99
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    £14.99 - £14.99
    Current price £14.99
  • Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99


    Nicola Davies
    In stock

    Stori am siom a chariad, yn portreadu bachgen ifanc sy'n dysgu derbyn ei chwaer fach, anabl. Ysgrifennwyd y stori, sy'n llawn delweddu dychmygus, o...

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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Celestine and the Hare: Finding Your Place

    Karin Celestine
    In stock

    Stori ddarluniadol, annwyl am weithred o garedigrwydd, ynghyd â chyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer dysgu gwaith crefft sy'n gysylltiedig â thema'r stori. Y t...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Celestine and the Hare: A Small Song

    Karin Celestine
    In stock

    Stori ddarluniadol, annwyl am weithred o garedigrwydd, ynghyd â chyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer dysgu gwaith crefft sy'n gysylltiedig â thema'r stori. Y t...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Celestine and the Hare: Small Finds a Home

    Karin Celestine
    In stock

    Mae Small Finds a Home yn cyflwyno stori ddarluniadol, dyner am weithred fechan o garedigrwydd, ynghyd â chyfarwyddiadau sut i wau hamog.

    Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Celestine and the Hare: Paper Boat for Panda

    Karin Celestine
    In stock

    Mae Panda'n breuddwydio am fynd i hwylio ar y môr mawr, hardd, ond g?yr mai tegan yn unig yw ei gwch. Ond yna, caiff Weasus syniad. Stori ddarlunia...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Walker - The Boy Who Can Talk to Dogs

    Shoo Rayner
    In stock

    Unig ddymuniad Walker yw cael ci bach, ond gan fod gan ei fam alergedd at g?n, mae'n penderfynu cynnig gwasananaeth cerdded c?n. Wedi iddo gyfarfod...

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    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Thimble: Holiday Havoc

    Jon Blake
    In stock

    Mae Jams yn byw yng Nghaerdydd gyda'i rieni a'i ffrind gorau, Thimble y mwnci drygionus a chlyfar. Pan fo Mam yn trefnu gwyliau cyfnewid t? yn Ffra...

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    Current price £5.99