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  • Original price £3.00 - Original price £3.00
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    £3.00 - £3.00
    Current price £3.00

    Polymath, The - Reverend William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog 1802-1883

    D. Ben Rees
    In stock

    Cyflwyniad byr i fywyd a gwaith Gwilym Hiraethog (Parchedig William Rees, 1802-1883), pregethwr a darlithydd, bardd a nofelydd, seryddwr a meddyliw...

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    Original price £3.00 - Original price £3.00
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    £3.00 - £3.00
    Current price £3.00
  • Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
    Original price
    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99

    Pomegranate Garden

    Haydar Ergülen
    In stock

    Casgliad newydd, cyffrous o gerddi'r bardd o Dwrci, Haydar Ergülen. Cafodd y cerddi eu cyfieithu i'r Saesneg gan dim o 13 o gyfieithwyr, sy'n cynnw...

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    Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99
  • Original price £11.99 - Original price £11.99
    Original price
    £11.99 - £11.99
    Current price £11.99

    Pond, The

    Nicola Davies
    In stock

    Stori ddarluniadol, dyner am fachgen bach a'i deulu yn treulio amser wrth y pwll yn yr ardd er mwyn ceisio dod i delerau â cholli tad. Mae'r gyfrol...

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    Original price £11.99 - Original price £11.99
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    £11.99 - £11.99
    Current price £11.99
  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
    Original price
    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Pont Library: Seaside Treat, A

    Chris S. Stephens
    In stock

    Llyfr lliw-llawn yn cynnwys detholiad diddorol o bytiau llawn gwybodaeth a chwedlau, barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith yn adlewyrchu agweddau amrywiol ar f...

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    Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pont Readalone: A Pet Called Persil

    Viv Sayer
    In stock

    Stori ddifyr i blant am Madi sy'n awyddus i gadw anifail anwes, ond y mae asthma ei brawd, Jonathan, yn ei rhwystro rhag cael anifail yn y cartref....

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    Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pont Readalone: Behind You!

    Ruth Morgan
    In stock

    Stori ddifyr yn dilyn anturiaethau merch ifanc a'i hewythr ecsentrig yn cymryd rhan mewn pantomeim lleol; i ddarllenwyr 7-9 oed sy'n dechrau darlle...

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    Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pont Readalone: Billy Jones and the Performing Cat

    Siân Lewis
    In stock

    Stori i ddilyn Billy Jones Dog Star; stori ysgafn a difyr.

    Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pont Readalone: Billy Jones Dog Star

    Siân Lewis
    In stock

    Stori fywiog am Billy Jones, ci anwes teulu o berfformwyr dawnus, sy'n canfod ei fod yntau hefyd yn seren; i ddarllenwyr 7-9 oed. 12 llun du-a-gwyn.

    Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pont Readalone: Bump in the Night

    Ruth Morgan
    In stock

    Stori ddifyr am antur merch ifanc a'i hewythr gwallgof wedi iddynt baentio dau gar clatshio o'r ffair; i ddarllenwyr 7-9 oed sy'n cychwyn darllen a...

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    Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pont Readalone: Crab-Boy Cranc

    Julie Rainsbury
    In stock

    Stori ysgafn ac annwyl am y modd y mae cyfeillgarwch gyda bachgen hyderus yn cynorthwyo bachgen cloff i gael ei dderbyn gan ei gyfoedion. 12 llun d...

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    Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £3.95 - Original price £3.95
    Original price
    £3.95 - £3.95
    Current price £3.95

    Pont Readalone: Dragon Ring, The

    Liz Haigh
    In stock

    Stori ddifyr am ferch ifanc yn canfod modrwy hudol sy'n ei galluogi i deithio nôl mewn amser, gan ddysgu am arferion canu calennig a gwisgo'r 'Wels...

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    Original price £3.95 - Original price £3.95
    Original price
    £3.95 - £3.95
    Current price £3.95
  • Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99

    Pont Readalone: Guarding the Treasure

    Mary Mestecky
    In stock

    Stori annwyl ar gyfer darllenwyr annibynnol newydd, sy'n sôn am hwyl bywyd teuluol, ac am wefr darganfod perthynas newydd. Addas i blant 7-9 oed.

    Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99
  • Original price £1.99 - Original price £1.99
    Original price
    £1.99 - £1.99
    Current price £1.99

    Pont Readalone: Hero, Toffer and Wallaby

    Malachy Doyle
    In stock

    Stori deimladwy am gyfeillgarwch cerfiwr coed o sipsi a thri phlentyn ifanc yn llwyddo i feithrin dealltwriaeth rhyngddo ef ac aelodau'r gymuned; i...

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    Original price £1.99 - Original price £1.99
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    £1.99 - £1.99
    Current price £1.99
  • Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00

    Pont Readalone: Outrageous Oomph

    Julie Rainsbury
    In stock

    Stori ddifyr am efeilliaid naw oed yn defnyddio dychymyg bywiog i ddefnyddio anrhegion pen-blwydd anarferol a gawsant gan eu mam-gu ryfeddol; i dda...

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    Original price £1.00 - Original price £1.00
    Original price
    £1.00 - £1.00
    Current price £1.00
  • Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99

    Pont Readalone: Riley, Kylie and Smiley

    Malachy Doyle
    In stock

    Stori hyfryd am helyntion tri ffrind wrth iddynt fwynhau diwrnod o haf yn hela crancod ar lan y môr ac yn helpu bachgen bach i greu ffos; i ddarlle...

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    Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
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    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99
  • Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99

    Pont Readalone: Stories from Abergelli Street

    Nicola Davies
    In stock

    Casgliad cynnes a doniol o saith stori fer yn dilyn bywydau pob dydd trigolion Abergelli Street drwy'r tymhorau, wrth i amrywiaeth difyr o bobl a c...

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    Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
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    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99
  • Original price £3.50 - Original price £3.50
    Original price
    £3.50 - £3.50
    Current price £3.50

    Pont Readalone: When Sparks Fly

    Iola Jôns
    In stock

    Addasiad Saesneg o Go Fflamia!, stori ddifyr a phryfoclyd am ymdrechion un ferch wyth oed i geisio perswadio ei thad i roi'r gorau i'r arfer o ysmy...

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    Original price £3.50 - Original price £3.50
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    £3.50 - £3.50
    Current price £3.50
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
    Original price
    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Poor Man's Parliament - Ten Years of the Welsh Assembly

    Martin Shipton
    In stock

    Mae'r gyfrol hon yn adrodd hanes Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o'i ddechreuadau yn 1999 hyd at ymddeoliad Rhodri Morgan yn Nhachwedd 2009, gan fwrw ...

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    Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
    Original price
    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99

    Popeth am Amrywiaeth / All About Diversity

    Felicity Brooks
    In stock

    Addasiad dwyieithog gan Bethan Mai Jones o’r llyfr All About Diversity gan Felicity Brooks. Dyma lyfr sy'n helpu plant i ddeall ac ymfalchio (nid b...

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    Original price £9.99 - Original price £9.99
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    £9.99 - £9.99
    Current price £9.99
  • Original price £10.95 - Original price £10.95
    Original price
    £10.95 - £10.95
    Current price £10.95

    Porth yr Aur - Cofio J. Elwyn Davies

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Yn weinidog yr Efengyl ac Ysgrifennydd Mudiad Efengylaidd Cymru am 35 mlynedd, bu John Elwyn Davies (1925-2007) yn was ffyddlon i Iesu Grist ac yn ...

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    Original price £10.95 - Original price £10.95
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    £10.95 - £10.95
    Current price £10.95
  • Original price £9.95 - Original price £9.95
    Original price
    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95

    Portha fy ?yn - Cwrs Cyflawn i Ddysgu'r Ysgrythur i Blant!

    Derek Brookes, Michelle Brookes
    In stock

    Cyfres o 7 llyfr lliwgar i helpu plant 4-7 oed i ddysgu adnodau ar eu cof. Yn cynnwys llawlyfr i rieni ac athrawon ar sut i ddefnyddio'r deunydd, r...

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    Original price £9.95 - Original price £9.95
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    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
    Original price
    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Portrait of Battling Bessie, A

    D. Ben Rees
    In stock

    Portread o Elizabeth Margaret (Bessie) Braddock, Aelod Seneddol Lerpwl rhwng 1945 ac 1970, un a oedd yn adnabyddus fel ymgyrchydd brwd a sosialydd ...

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    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £14.99 - Original price £14.99
    Original price
    £14.99 - £14.99
    Current price £14.99

    Portrait of Glamorgan

    Nick Jenkins
    In stock

    Mae'r gyfrol hon yn darlunio'r amrywiaeth godidog sydd i'w weld yn nhirlun Morgannwg, gyda 140 o luniau lliw gan y ffotograffydd Nick Jenkins. Llwy...

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    Original price £14.99 - Original price £14.99
    Original price
    £14.99 - £14.99
    Current price £14.99
  • Original price £14.99 - Original price £14.99
    Original price
    £14.99 - £14.99
    Current price £14.99

    Portrait of the Wye Valley

    Van Greaves
    In stock

    Afon Gwy yw un o afonydd prydferthaf Prydain. Mae'n tarddu yn ucheldir corsiog Pumlumon ac yn llifo i'w haber yng Nghas-gwent. Wrth ddilyn ei thait...

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    Original price £14.99 - Original price £14.99
    Original price
    £14.99 - £14.99
    Current price £14.99