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Ni fydd archebion yn cael eu postio tan 01/10/2024. Orders will not be posted until 01/10/2024.
Ni fydd archebion yn cael eu postio tan 01/10/2024. Orders will not be posted until 01/10/2024.

Astudiaethau a Thestunau Llenyddol


  • Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00

    Horror Studies: Horror and Religion - New Literary Approaches To

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Casgliad golygiedig o draethodau yn cynnig trafodaethau strwythuredig am wrthdaro ysbrydol a diwinyddol mewn astudiaethau llên arswyd, o ddiwedd yr...

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    Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00
  • Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00

    Horror Studies: Videogames and Horror - From Amnesia to Zombies,

    D. Stobbart
    In stock

    Cyfrol sy'n archwilio presenoldeb, rôl a phwrpas arswyd mewn gemau fideo, gan amlygu eu lle mewn trafodaeth ar arswyd yn ogystal â dangos sut y gal...

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    Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00
  • Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00

    French and Francophone Studies: Women and the City in French

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Casgliad cyffrous, rhyng-ddisgyblaethol o draethodau yn archwilio perthynas gwragedd gyda'r ddinas.

    Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00
  • Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: Minerva's Gothics - The Politics and Poe

    Elizabeth A. Neiman
    In stock

    Mae Minerva's Gothics yn gosod nofelau Minerva unwaith eto ynghanol y sgwrs gyda thestunau athronyddol a llenyddol dylanwadol eraill.

    Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00
  • Original price £75.00 - Original price £75.00
    Original price
    £75.00 - £75.00
    Current price £75.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: Servants and the Gothic, 1764-1831 - A

    Kathleen Hudson
    In stock

    Cyfrol sy'n archwilio detholiad o'r cymeriadau mewn gwasanaeth pwysicaf a mwyaf cymhleth ynghyd â straeon amdanynt mewn llenyddiaeth gynnar Gothig.

    Original price £75.00 - Original price £75.00
    Original price
    £75.00 - £75.00
    Current price £75.00
  • Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00

    Horror Studies: Re-Envisaging the First Age of Cinematic Horror,

    David Annwn Jones
    In stock

    Gan ganolbwyntio ar ddwy ar hugain o ffilmiau allweddol, dyma gyfrol sy'n cynnig astudiaeth gynhwysol a sensitif. Amlygir ymwybyddiaeth o amrywiaet...

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    Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00
  • Original price £50.00 - Original price £50.00
    Original price
    £50.00 - £50.00
    Current price £50.00

    Iberian and Latin American Studies: Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Mae'r gyfrol hon yn dadansoddi diwylliant ffilm Brazil, gan edrych ar gyfarwyddwyr a ffilmiau rhyngwladol adnabyddus ynghyd â thaflu goleuni ar dra...

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    Original price £50.00 - Original price £50.00
    Original price
    £50.00 - £50.00
    Current price £50.00
  • Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00

    Literary Illumination - The Evolution of Artificial Light In

    Richard Leahy
    In stock

    Ymchwiliad i'r cysylltiadau rhwng llewrchiad a llenyddiaeth; archwilir y gofod rhwng symboliaeth olau a thywyll drwy ddadansoddiad o oleuni artiffi...

    View full details
    Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00
  • Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: South African Gothic

    Rebecca Duncan
    In stock

    Yr astudiaeth lawn gyntaf o lenyddiaeth Gothig o Dde'r Affrig, sy'n archwilio barddas, tarddiadau a swyddogaethau'r traddodiad Gothig yn llenyddiae...

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    Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00
  • Original price £75.00 - Original price £75.00
    Original price
    £75.00 - £75.00
    Current price £75.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: Gothic Britain - Dark Places in The

    William Hughes, Ruth Heholt
    In stock

    Casgliad o ddwsin o traethawd gwreiddiol, pob un ohonynt yn ystyried sut y cafodd arddulleg Gothig ei gymhwyso i ardaloedd ar y ffin ym Mhrydain. E...

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    Original price £75.00 - Original price £75.00
    Original price
    £75.00 - £75.00
    Current price £75.00
  • Original price £85.00 - Original price £85.00
    Original price
    £85.00 - £85.00
    Current price £85.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: Gothic Invasions

    Ailise Bulfin
    In stock

    Cyfrol sy'n archwilio'r pryder cyffredinol am ymosodiad a rhyfel fel y'i hamlygir mewn ffuglen Brydeinig boblogiadd ar ddiwedd yr 19eg ganrif. Nodi...

    View full details
    Original price £85.00 - Original price £85.00
    Original price
    £85.00 - £85.00
    Current price £85.00
  • Original price £85.00 - Original price £85.00
    Original price
    £85.00 - £85.00
    Current price £85.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: Werewolves, Wolves and the Gothic

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Archwiliad o ymddangosiadau gan fleiddiaid a dyn-fleiddiaid mewn testunau llenyddol a diwylliannol o ganol y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg hyd at hed...

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    Original price £85.00 - Original price £85.00
    Original price
    £85.00 - £85.00
    Current price £85.00
  • Original price £18.00 - Original price £18.00
    Original price
    £18.00 - £18.00
    Current price £18.00

    Le Bone Florence of Rome - A Critical Edition and Facing Translat

    Jonathan Stavsky
    In stock

    Rhamant o Loegr y canol oesoedd hwyr yw Le Bone Florence of Rome, ac mae'n perthyn i stori 'Man of Law's Tale' o'r Canterbury Tales gan Chaucer. I ...

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    Original price £18.00 - Original price £18.00
    Original price
    £18.00 - £18.00
    Current price £18.00
  • Original price £85.00 - Original price £85.00
    Original price
    £85.00 - £85.00
    Current price £85.00

    Le Bone Florence of Rome - A Critical Edition and Facing

    Jonathan Stavsky
    In stock

    Rhamant o Loegr y canol oesoedd hwyr yw Le Bone Florence of Rome, ac mae'n perthyn i stori 'Man of Law's Tale' o'r Canterbury Tales gan Chaucer. i ...

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    Original price £85.00 - Original price £85.00
    Original price
    £85.00 - £85.00
    Current price £85.00
  • Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00

    Iberian and Latin American Studies: Capitalism and Its Discontent

    John Kraniauskas
    In stock

    Casgliad o draethodau dehongliadol am nifer o nofelau a ffilmiau Lladin Americanaidd cyfoes, allweddol. Y prif thema yw'r berthynas rhwng deunydd t...

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    Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00
  • Original price £60.00 - Original price £60.00
    Original price
    £60.00 - £60.00
    Current price £60.00

    Science Fiction, New Space Opera, and Neoliberal Globalism

    Jerome Winter
    In stock

    Dyma'r gyfrol gyntaf i gynnig trafodaeth feirniadol ar weithiau ffuglen wyddonol yn ymwneud â gwleidyddiaeth gelfyddydol neo-rhyddfrydol.

    Original price £60.00 - Original price £60.00
    Original price
    £60.00 - £60.00
    Current price £60.00
  • Original price £60.00 - Original price £60.00
    Original price
    £60.00 - £60.00
    Current price £60.00

    Exiles, Travellers and Vagabonds - Rethinking Mobility in Francop

    Kate Averis, Isabel Hollis-Touré,
    In stock

    Astudiaeth gan gyfranwyr amrywiol o fudiadau merched ar draws y byd, a sut y caiff eu profiadau eu hadlewyrchu yn eu gwaith.

    Original price £60.00 - Original price £60.00
    Original price
    £60.00 - £60.00
    Current price £60.00
  • Original price £16.99 - Original price £16.99
    Original price
    £16.99 - £16.99
    Current price £16.99

    Crime Fiction in German

    Katharina Hall
    In stock

    Y gyfrol gyntaf yn yr iaith Saesneg i gynnig golwg gynhwysfawr ar ffuglen trosedd yn yr iaith Almaeneg, o'i wreiddiau ar ddechrau'r bedwaredd ganri...

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    Original price £16.99 - Original price £16.99
    Original price
    £16.99 - £16.99
    Current price £16.99
  • Original price £34.99 - Original price £34.99
    Original price
    £34.99 - £34.99
    Current price £34.99

    Arthur of the North, The

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Mae'r gyfrol hon yn delio gyda chyflwyno'r traddodiad romawns i wledydd Sgandinafia yn y drydedd ganrif ar ddeg, ynghyd â chyd-destunau diwyllianno...

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    Original price £34.99 - Original price £34.99
    Original price
    £34.99 - £34.99
    Current price £34.99
  • Original price £20.00 - Original price £20.00
    Original price
    £20.00 - £20.00
    Current price £20.00

    New Century Chaucer: Making Chaucer's Book of the Duchess -

    Jamie C. Fumo
    In stock

    Making Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: Textuality and Reception yw'r astudiaeth gyfansawdd gyntaf o brif gerdd hir storïol gynharaf Chaucer, ei gynn...

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    Original price £20.00 - Original price £20.00
    Original price
    £20.00 - £20.00
    Current price £20.00
  • Original price £50.00 - Original price £50.00
    Original price
    £50.00 - £50.00
    Current price £50.00

    Gothic Authors - Critical Revisions: Richard Marsh

    Minna Vuohelainen
    In stock

    Yr astudiaeth lawn gyntaf o waith yr awdur poblogaidd Richard Marsh (Richard Bernard Heldmann, 1857-1915), sy'n archwilio ystod ei ffuglen ac yn se...

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    Original price £50.00 - Original price £50.00
    Original price
    £50.00 - £50.00
    Current price £50.00
  • Original price £35.00 - Original price £35.00
    Original price
    £35.00 - £35.00
    Current price £35.00

    Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages: Cultivating the Heart -

    A. S. Lazikani
    In stock

    Mae Cultivating the Heart yn arddangos iaith teimlad, yn arbennig dosturi, cariad a dolur, fel y'i gwelir mewn amrediad eang o destunau crefyddol o...

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    Original price £35.00 - Original price £35.00
    Original price
    £35.00 - £35.00
    Current price £35.00
  • Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00

    Iberian and Latin American Studies: Teresa Margolles and The

    Julia Banwell
    In stock

    Yr astudiaeth gyntaf o waith a gynhyrchwyd gan yr artist Mecsicanaidd cyfoes Teresa Margolles.

    Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00
  • Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00

    Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages: The Arthur of the Iberia

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Astudiaeth o ledaeniad y chwedlau Arthuraidd drwy'r gwledydd lle siaredid Sbaeneg a Phortiwgeëg yn Iberia a thramor, ac o ddylanwad y chwedlau hynn...

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    Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00